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Setup Algorithms

Before installing crew algorithms, make sure you have miniconda installed. The following commands should be ran in a conda base environment, using a bash shell. For Windows machines, we recommend using git bash.

Under crew-algorithms, run:


This will create a conda environment named crew and install audio-related pakages. For the rest of the dependencies we will use poetry. To install it, first activate the crew environment with conda activate crew, then:

curl -sSL | python -

A message should appear after the installation indicating poetry's bin directory. Typically for Linux and OSX, it is "$HOME/.local/bin"; for Windows it is $APPDATA\\Python\\Scripts. Add this directory to your 'PATH' environment variable and append this command to your shell configuration file. For instance, on Linux:

echo "export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Check poetry can be properly called with:

poetry --version
Next, simply run:

poetry install

If you want to contribute to this repository, you can install the pre-commit hooks for some nice features:

poetry run pre-commit install

If you encounter any issues, check out Troubleshooting.