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1 v 1 Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

One-on-one visual hide-and-seek has two players, a hider and a seeker. The seeker's goal is to navigate through the maze and catch the hider. The hider's goal is to remain uncaught throughout the game.

Action Space

A 2-dimensional continuous action space:


Observation Space

Hide and Seek provides 3 possible camera views, all 128x128 size with bounding box:

Top Left:       (0.0, 0.0)
Width Height:   (1.0, 1.0)

First Person View

The first person view of the player.


Masked View

The top-down view with masked square area around the player.


Accumulative View

Similar top-down view with masked square area around the player, with the map view of player's visited area.


Unity Parameters

Game specific parameters:

Parameter Name Parameter Format Description
-MoveSpeed float Moving speed of the AI agent
-RotationSpeed float Rotation speed of the AI agent
-EventChannelID string Event side channel assigned by Algorithms
-GameStopChannelID string GameStop side channel assigned by Algorithms
-DisableFirstCamera none Flag to disable first person camera view
-DisableMaskedCamera none Flag to disable masked camera view
-DisableAccumuCamera none Flag to disable accumulative camera
-MatchStartNumHiders integer Overwrite the number of hiders required to start an episode
-MatchStartNumSeekers integer Overwrite the number of seekers required to start an episode
-DecisionRequestFrequency float Number of seconds between each two decision requests

Universal parameters:

Parameter Name Parameter Format Description
-NakamaID string Server ID assigned by Instance Server
-DojoScreenSize intxint Set window size on launch
-DojoScreenPos int,int Set window position on launch
-DojoMonitorID integer Set window monitor on launch
-CaptureSizeW integer Camera capture size (width)
-CaptureSizeH integer Camera capture size (height)
-DojoRecording none Flag to enable recording
-DojoRecordingFile string To overwrite recording log file path
-DojoRecordingIdentity string To overwrite recording log identity

User interface controls:

Action Name Keyboard Mapping
Toggle UI ESC