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Dojo Design

On this page, you will find a comprehensive explanation of the design pattern utilized by Dojo.

Folder Structure

When working with the Dojo repository, it's important to focus on two key folders: Nakama, and Unity.

  • Nakama folder is where you'll find the Docker file and Nakama module implementations.
  • Unity folder is the core of the Dojo package, as it contains both the package itself and example games. It is also the folder that will be opened by Unity editor.

Unity Folder

The code inside the Unity folder is split into two parts: the Dojo package code and the example games code.

  • Unity/Assets/Dojo has all the code implementation for Dojo package.
  • Unity/Assets/Examples contains all the example game implementations.

Dojo Package

Dojo package has following layout:


  • Agent folder provide code for Unity ml-agents integration.
  • Editor has code that only runs in Unity editor, such as game builder scripts.
  • Mujoco contains the integration code for Mujoco physics engine.
  • Nakama integrates the Nakama multiplayer framework.
  • Netcode integrates the Unity Netcode for GameObjects.
  • Plugins contains system-specific binary files that are used in Dojo.
  • Recording provides code for recording game play information.
  • UI implements the user interface for human players and viewers.

Finally, DojoConnection.cs is the script responsible for orchestrating the package and ensuring smooth operation by connecting all its components.

Dojo Examples

The example games follow a specific folder structure pattern:

  • The parent folder is the name of the game.
  • Actions contains all the keyboard/mouse action maps.
  • Configs has the configuration files used for this game.
  • Materials has the shader/physics materials used in game.
  • Prefabs contains the prefabs in Unity.
  • Scenes is where the scene files locate.
  • Scripts contains all the code in the game.
  • Shaders has custom shader implementations.
  • Textures contains any image textures used in the game.
  • UIBuilder has any custom user interface configuration for this game.

In conclusion, open a game scene by navigating to the Scenes folder.

Dojo Components

A standard Dojo game is composed of the following elements:


The game is based on the Nakama framework and incorporates the Dojo Nakama integration. Additionally, it employs a human interface for human interactions, utilizes ml-agents integration for communicating with the Algorithms code, and integrates netcode for game state synchronization.