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Select feedback modes

Providing feedback to AI Agents is one of the most direct and common ways of interaction in human-AI teaming. In CREW, we support the following feedback types:

1) Discrete scalar feedback

A binary positive/ negative feedback given at any time step.


2) Continuous scalar feedback

A continuous valued feedback between [-1, 1], provided at every time step. We provide an interface that allows the user to hover the mouse over a window to provide such feedback


3) Audio Feedback

Direct audio feedback is natural and intuitive for humans. The approach for grounding audio into learning signals is up to the specific algorithm.

4) Take Control

Directly taking control of an agent and perform teleoperation.

take control

Select a feedback interface

We provide pre-built games enabling multiple feedback types. Customized feedback combinations can also be enabled through the Unity Editor. This feature is included in the HumanInterface.cs script. First select HumanInterface in Hierarchy.


Then in the inspector, find Human Interface (Script), select the desired feedback types under Elements.


Build the game and the chosen feedback panels will appear in the client instances:
